We created our range of smartapps to address the different challenges unique to professional membership bodies, institutes, colleges, associations, trade unions, or charities.

Our smartapps can be seamlessly integrated into your existing environment and our modular approach allows you to buy the bits that you need only when you need them.

This makes our solutions simpler and cost effective for you. And it allows us to focus on the key areas of your business that make your organisation unique.


Professional membership bodies

How you can attract, acquire, delight and retain all the members you should.

Events and conferences

Whether you’re running a one-hour event or a multi-day, multi-stream conference, make sure your members get the most out of every event you run - before, during, and after the event.

Trade associations

No matter if your remit is campaigning, lobbying, advising, training, education, or a mix of them all, make sure you create, promote and drive commercial and industrial growth for your members.

Education, training and CPD

Enhance your member value proposition and ensure ongoing professional competence through engaging education and training programmes, including accreditations, qualifications, CPD and e-learning.


Whether your educational programme is mandatory for membership or not, advance the careers of your members and customers by providing the best training and career development experience they can get.

Regulatory bodies

Better serve your members by ensuring confidence in their status and abilities, and promoting the high standards that define their profession.

Charities and fundraisers

Utilise technology to deliver your charitable purpose, grow your reach, empower your volunteers and boost your income to do the most good.