Practical guidance on being digital, joined-up and irreplaceable to your members and students

A strong education program - one that keeps learners coming back for more - is a vital part of membership retention and growth.  Survey after survey shows that continuing professional education is a top membership priority for new and existing members.

Engaging education programs can increase value for association members by offering major benefits:

  • Access to timely and relevant industry information
  • Professional development or certification programs to boost career prospects
  • On-demand access to support and resources for day-to-day activities
  • Opportunities to connect and network with peers and subject matter experts

So how do you get from where you are to where you need to be?

The technology landscape for educational delivery is a confusing myriad of tools and suppliers.  Often it’s a challenge to even define what your end goal is, aside from, “much better than we are now”.

Meanwhile, your stakeholders have morphed into modern digital consumers - they expect services to be personal, relevant, multi-channel, and joined-up – and they don’t care about your internal organisational challenges.

About the webinar

In this webinar we will cover:

  • What does modern education management for membership bodies look like? What should I be aiming for?
  • Do I even need a separate Learning Management System, or CPD management system?  
  • How should it all tie together with my current culture and technology?
  • How do I make key decisions and get started?

We’ll give you some answers and allow you to hear from other organisations who are addressing this challenge.  

The session will be interactive and includes a Q&A where delegates can engage with their peers to discuss their experiences and challenges of modernising in the current membership environment. 

Webinar recording

Event details

Type: Webinar

Date: Tuesday 6th June

Time: 9.30-10.30am